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Customs broker

This term replaced the term ship broker when the latter saw their privilege disappear under European Law.

Customs brokers are service providers representing the shipping agent. They stand in for foreign captains with authorities, especially Customs.

The mission of Customs brokers encompasses two main functions:

  • One, administrative, takes them to calculate and pay harbor dues for ships. They are collected from shipping agents and paid to Customs authorities. They also translate the manifest.
  • The other, related to business, takes them to act as intermediaries between ship and other naval equipment buyers and sellers.

This professional is in a relationship with:

  • Shipowners who are the “clients of his clients”.
  • Shipping agents who are their direct clients.
  • Port authorities in which they officiate.
  • Customs authorities, since the Customs broker perceives harbor dues and is responsible for their collection after a deposit was agreed.

Source: multiple Internet sources, specialized literature, testimonials (Pratic-Export, Pôle-emploi cards, Wikipedia, Onisep, CNRTL, Umep à la Page…)