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The federation

In a nutshell

UMEP – UNITED KNOW-HOW: Union Maritime et Portuaire du HAVRE, is a professional organization governed by the provisions of the 1901 Associations Act and it represents the companies involved in the Maritime and Port business: 22 000 direct jobs and 14 000 spin-off jobs according to a 2008 INSEE study.

Its founding principle and priority objective is:

To create the environment likely
to attract and ensure the safe and optimized
passage of goods through LE HAVRE.

It is administered by a council composed of three colleges: Maritime, Goods and Handling. Each of these colleges is composed of ten tenured administrators and ten deputies.

Its members are: The Groupement Havrais des Armateurs et Agents Maritimes  (GHAAM – Consortium of Le Havre Shipowners and Shipping Agents), the Groupement des Employeurs de Main-d’œuvre (GEMO – Consortium of Companies employing Labor force), the Syndicat des Transitaires et des Commissionnaires en Douane du HAVRE et de la Région (STH – Syndicate of Freight Forwarders and Customs Brokers), the Compagnie des Courtiers Interprètes Conducteurs de navires (Interpreting Brokers and Ship Conductors Company) and the Groupement de Réparateurs de Conteneurs (GRECOM – Grouping of container maintenance professionals).

The Union Maritime et Portuaire du Havre is a direct link between members of the Port Community, a tool at the disposal of its clients – especially regarding professional education – and a driving force for the economy of the harbour.

UMEP: A community
expressly focused on the future!