Pilots can also count on towing men who, thanks to their modern and powerful boats, help in maneuvering the least easy to handle ships: in all types of weather, at sea, in port basins or during lock passage they manage the complexity and the nautical risk involved during stopover with pilots. They therefore have a crucial role in relation to safety and are actually licensed to intervene as an alternative to firefighters thanks to the regular training they undergo.
The tugboat supports the ship by towing, pushing or slowing her down thanks to one or several hawsers when the ship cannot draw alongside the dock or depart alone from a port.
The ship master orders the towing service to port authorities who pass the order to the towing station after they have received advice from pilots on the number of tugboats required.
Tugboats can also be called:
Source: multiple Internet sources, specialized literature, testimonials (Pratic-Export, Pôle-emploi cards, Wikipedia, Onisep, CNRTL, Umep à la Page…)